‘Is it OK to get excited about the Staying Awake group when it’s still a month away!?’

Your initial development path will provide you with much of what you need to create and sustain your practice. Some will sustain their new practice by themselves, others will need boosts to their learning and Awakeness to keep them on track and develop their practice further. To that end we provide:
‘Staying Awake’ groups – groups of Wide Awake leaders meet every couple of months for a day of review, reflection and renewal. We agree the year’s outcomes with the group and then co-design the content of each day to give return on what the group most want to learn/build.
You need to have completed the Wide Awake Introductory and Core programmes to attend
‘Staying Awake’ groups – groups of Wide Awake leaders meet every couple of months for a day of review, reflection and renewal. We agree the year’s outcomes with the group and then co-design the content of each day to give return on what the group most want to learn/build.
You need to have completed the Wide Awake Introductory and Core programmes to attend